Religion and Spirit Worship
Ancestral family spirits being offered rice beer (diyang) the ote illi ceremony
This is a commonly held ritual at all religious events, when rice beer is offered to the ancestral spirits. Rice beer, ‘diyang‘, is poured onto open leaf cups and spills onto the ground, ‘ote illi‘.
Shamanism, Bonga woRship
The Ho have a shamanic religion. The world is full of spirits, ‘bongako‘, that they worship, appease and consult. ‘Singbonga‘, literally the Sun God, is the universal creator. There are tame spirits, ‘hatu bongako‘, and wild spirits of nature, ‘buru bongako‘. Every shaman, ‘soka‘ or ‘deonwa‘, has his own ‘guru bonga‘, teacher spirit, his alter-ego and conscience, who can be consulted in trance. It is a complex world at the core of their belief system.
New Foods festival, Jom Nama Porob
This is a harvest festival. ‘Jom‘ means food, ‘nama‘ means new. The village priest, ‘diuri‘, performs a sacrifice of a multicoloured cock to the guardian spirits of the village, the ‘hatu bongako‘, begging them to protect their growing crops from wild animals, and a multitude of infestations. No one may harvest or eat the post-monsoon or upland crops until this has been performed.
Shamanic augury
Among the Ho, in this remote forest region of Saranda, about half the men and some women, have made an informal contract with their ‘guru bonga‘, their teacher spirit, to serve and worship him. This ‘guru bonga‘ is best thought of as their conscience and their dream world. Such people are known as ‘deonwa‘ or ‘soka‘. Some are renowned for this skill and consulted for their ability as augurers, soothsayers, and interpreters of omens and inner anxieties. All Ho are very aware of their dreams and avidly discuss them on waking up, as if they have actually lived them.
Bhuiya people, 'Sengel Tega', Fire Walking
These people were the original inhabitants of this area of India before the Mundari speaking Ho tribal people moved in and occupied the area. There are still a few Bhuiya villages in the area. One of their major ceremonies is the fire-walking ritual when men prove their devotion by walking across a trench of red hot charcoals. At the same time women are ritually cured of their fertility problems. The Ho tribals like to watch these Bhuiya rituals that they call ‘sengel tega‘.
Chotanagra temple
This small Hindu temple, in the nearby market town of Chhotanagra, used to be the temple of the local Ho raja. He now lives in a minor palace in Manoharpur. This temple has now been overtaken by Hindu immigrant traders, who now occupy this small market town. The old mud built palace is now in ruins, though some tribal remains still exist here.