Christoph von Fürer Haimendorf having an animated discussion with a Raj Gond tribal elder during the Keslapur Jatra.
Elizabeth (Betty) von Fürer Haimendorf greeting a group of Raj Gond women at Marlavai village. Christoph is in dark glasses on the left.
Elizabeth (Betty) and Prof. Christoph von Fürer Haimendorf greeting a group of Raj Gond women at Marlavai village.
In Marlavai village where Prof. Haimendorf lived.
Christoph von Fürer Haimendorf holding a goat with his wife Betty (Elizabeth) just behind him.
Christoph von Fürer Haimendorf with his camera and Betty (Elizabeth) talking to a teacher and a group of school children.
Seated left to right: Prof. Christoph von Fürer Haimendorf, Elizabeth von Fürer Haimendorf, Dr. Michael Yorke, author. Standing behind them: Left with turban and spectacles Sedam Maru Master, bearded Abdul Majid, my interpreter, in turban Atram Lachu Patel, the Ginnedhari headman.
On a visit to Ginnedhari, the village where I lived. Seated left to right: Valerie Yorke, Betty Haimendorf, Prof. Christoph Haimendorf, Dr. Michael Yorke the author.
Christoph and Betty Haimendorf, looking excited, leaving Ginnedhari in style in a decorated bullock cart driven by Ada Jalpati Rao, my interpreter.
Christoph and Betty Haimendorf talking to a school master and primary school boys in Utnoor taluq.
Christoph and Betty Haimendorf inspecting a primary school in Utnoor Taluq.
Christoph and Betty Haimendorf leaving Ginnedhari in style in a decorated bullock cart driven by Ada Jalpati Rao, my interpreter.
Christoph and Betty Haimendorf leaving Ginnedhari in style, accompanied by drums in a caparisoned bullock, cart driven by Ada Jalpati Rao, my interpreter. They are driving past the large house of the village headman Atram Raju Patel.